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How does the sociology of organizations differ in the New Age?

Photo du rédacteur: Rémi RICHERRémi RICHER

The Old Age was characterized by the feudal, hierarchical and subsidiary system. In 1448, the invention of printing began to undermine this system. Radio, television, then the Internet, and the web accelerated this transformation of the feudal system during the 20th century. Information no longer circulates only vertically, and geographically, but also in a matrix fashion, regardless of location and distance. The circulation of information makes citizens more autonomous, more informed, more educated, and gives them sapiential authority, therefore power.

This is why power is no longer only hierarchical, but also sapiential, thanks to knowledge that is disseminated and available outside of any hierarchy. However, this availability of information and knowledge in any place and any social class, requires a paradigm shift concerning trust, mobility, intelligence, and communication.

Trust must no longer be blindly placed in a single source of information and knowledge. In the hierarchical system, one is supposed to believe blindly in the word of the leader, who is unique. In the matrix system, information can come from countless different sources, and not all sources are the same, and not all are necessarily trustworthy. This implies the development of a new faculty, which is discernment, that is, the ability to assess with relevance the trust that can be placed in a source of information.

Thanks to the circulation of information that transcends borders and social classes, mobility becomes more important, whether geographic, functional, or even private. For example, it is possible to find a job in a place other than where one lives, it is possible to apply for a position that is not exactly the same as the one one currently occupies, and it is possible to go on vacation just about anywhere in the world. It is also possible to work in organizations distributed in different locations around the world, working remotely and making occasional or regular trips. This reinforces the diversity of the teams, the encounter with other peoples and cultures, and the matrix organization.

The availability of a large number of different sources and information requires greater intelligence to be able to process such a large amount of information, sometimes contradictory, sometimes false, sometimes incomplete, and often not directly usable. In the context of hierarchical authority, the employee is used to do what the boss tells him to do, exactly as he tells him to do. But in the matrix organization, the employee has to look for the information, and process it to design a solution specifically adapted and relevant to the case, always particular, of the problem he is trying to solve within the framework of an always specific organization, because the matrix organization is not standardized, each organization is different. This implies greater proactivity, greater curiosity, and above all a greater capacity to solve problems autonomously.

The matrix organization implies a distributed organization with a network of geographically and functionally dispersed contributors. This implies networking and requires a greater coordination effort. This coordination can only be effective with a high level of information sharing and thus communication. By communication, I do not mean large top down institutional communication campaigns. I mean effective and meaningful communication between the members of a distributed team, and also rich and regular communication with its line manager. Because matrix organization does not abolish hierarchy, despite appearances. In reality, the employee still belongs to a hierarchy, with a direct boss, but works on value chains or matrix projects. The difficulty with the matrix organization is that the line manager does not necessarily know exactly what the employee is doing in a value chain or matrix project. The employee is in day-to-day contact with colleagues or customers in other hierarchies in other locations, while the line manager may not be in regular contact with these individuals. This implies a high degree of autonomy in daily work, but also the need to communicate with the direct manager to inform him/her of the content, complexity, difficulties, and workload involved in the operations carried out in the matrix network.

In this new organizational framework, hierarchical authority is more difficult to exercise because it is in competition with sapiential authority, and the aura of the expert spreads well beyond the boundaries of the organizational unit to which he or she belongs. This is why the hierarchical leader must also evolve and base his or her authority not on the old paradigm of the omniscient and omnipotent leader, the God of the Bible, but rather on trust, mobility, intelligence, and communication. For the new manager must trust by force of circumstance, since he cannot control the day-to-day work content of employees involved in matrix operations. He must also be mobile, i.e. he must make the effort to take an interest in subjects that are not necessarily part of his education, and he must also make the effort to travel to other sites to meet other organizational units involved in value chains or projects. In addition, the manager must show intelligence, i.e. he must take into account a lot of information from different sources in order to be able to perform managerial acts, such as evaluating his employees, for example. How can a relevant evaluation be carried out if one does not know exactly what an employee in one's department is doing on a day-to-day basis? To do this, it is necessary to communicate regularly with your employees even if they talk about subjects you do not master, and it is also necessary to communicate with other managers whose organizational units contribute to the value chain or project. But in doing so, you really need to have intelligence, because you have to make a distinction between what one source of information says and what another source of information says. Because very often, multiple opinions are not necessarily convergent, and there can sometimes be anomalies or contradictions. And we must always keep in mind that people always lie more or less, and for reasons of their own, be they emotional, or political, or economic.

What are the links between the sociology of organizations and the Crystal Religion?

Matrix organization is a consequence of the Map of the Soul proposed by the Crystal Religion. The Soul is invisible, immaterial, and is made up of links, relationships, information, thoughts, visions, images, symbols. The Soul of the World is materialized by the Sun, and the individual Soul is materialized by the Aura that envelops the physical body. The Soul is light, it is also what the Ancients called the Logos. The Sun, Soul of the World, shines for all in a transversal way, while the Subconscious Mind, the Territory, is hierarchical and has a pyramidal shape.

Thus, the individual lives on a Territory, which is animated by a Subconscious of the Territory, of pyramidal form, with a hierarchical organization. This Subconscious Mind manages the material needs of the individuals, it is in a way the House, the Home, the Country. But the individual is connected to other people by means of his Soul, and the Soul is transverse, it transcends territories. The individual Soul is connected to other individual Souls via the Soul of the World, and this Soul of the World can also connect it to Cosmic Gods.

In the Ancient Age, History traveled through the sectors of the Subconscious Mind, that is why Souls were not very developed, and were strongly localized on a Territory. People traveled very little, they were not very mobile, and therefore developed relationships only within a very small Territory. And these relationships were very highly hierarchical. In the New Age, History is moving through a new area that I call the First Age of the Heart. It is a sector that is on the psychic plane, and it has the effect of developing and amplifying the individual Soul, and the Soul of the World. That is why nowadays, people can move around much more easily, can get to know people outside the Territory, in any place in the World, and thus form relationships with a network of distributed contacts that transcends borders and social classes.

However, the Territories have not disappeared for all that. The basis of social organization remains localized and hierarchical, but with a Soul, that is to say, a network of relationships that extends far beyond the Territory. This is why, nowadays, the countries and companies that are doing well are those that have a good hierarchical territorial organization, that is to say a good civil service or a good hierarchical management, that is to say a good Subconscious Mind, and at the same time an economy and a culture open to the World, with a Soul, that is to say a network of relationships and links, that extends far beyond its Territory, and why not to the whole planet.

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